016 Debutante
(C.japonica). Originally listed as ‘Sara C. Hastie’ by Wilson, 1930, House & Garden, 57(3):158, then as ‘Sara C. Hastie’ (Debutante) by Fruitland Nursery Catalogue, 1836-1937 and finally as Debutante, Gerbings Azalea Nurseries, 1938-1939. It is now so widely known as Debutante and, because of the number of seedlings and sports that have been derived from it under the name Debutante, that it is considered Article 31 of Nomenclature Code should be invoked, and Debutante established as its valid name and ‘Sarah C. Hastie’ relegated to syn-onymity. A beautiful light pink, spherical peony form flower, 8-10 cm in diameter, early flowering. Slow growth with light green foliage. Sports: Gladys Marie, Debutante Blush, Vernice Anne. Orthographic error: ‘Debutanta’. For colour illustrations see p.57, Gerbings, G.G., 1945, Camellias and in the American Camellia Yearbook, 1947 facing p.46. Also pl.37, p.32, Encyclopedia of Camellias in Colour, vol.II, 1978. Chinese synonym: ‘Wutai Xinxiu’.